Posted by : Unknown Monday 17 March 2014

 Bài viết liên quan: [Infographic] Các số liệu về Vietnam mà 1 Tech founder không thể bỏ qua!

Tên của từng công ty trong mỗi dòng sẽ đại diện cho market leader ( người dẫn đầu thị trường) hoặc 1 start up nổi nhất tại mỗi ngành hàng!

Southeast Asian Startup opportunity map by country
 1 số con số biết nói từ bảng này gồm có:

1. 70% các ngành hàng đều có Global players - các đối thủ ngoại tầm cỡ! Cũng 70% các ngành hàng này đều có local players - các tay chơi trong nước, 40% trong số đó là các tập đoàn đa quốc gia hoạt động xuyên suốt khu vực Đông Nam Á. Có cơ hội nào cho aggreators ( thu thập thông tin) đẳng cấp khu vực ra đời????

2.  Chỉ có Tin tức, Game, Bán lẻ trên mạng, Các dịch vụ cho thuê, và vận chuyển là có đủ 3 loại hình công ty tham gia: công ty nội địa, công ty nước ngoài, và các công ty hoạt động trên toàn khu vực.

3. Ngành truyền thông, search, blogging, âm nhạc, hoạt động/ khám phá xã hội, công ty chuyên về tổ chức event online, business networking online đều đầy rẫy các tập đoàn đa quốc gia nổi tiếng tại thế giới và khu vực, phải chăng các ngành này quá khó cho các start up nội???

4. Các trang cộng đồng, khám phá du lịch nội địa, bán vé online, và các tranh về ôto là những ngành chỉ có các players nội địa. Chưa ai dám bứt phá service của mình ra tầm châu lục?? ---> Cơ hội đây start up VN ơi!

5. Không có ngành chỉ có công ty đa quốc gia hoạt động.

Theo TechinAsia.
A few weeks ago I put together a high-level Internet opportunity map for Southeast Asia. Based on feedback, readers wanted country-level opportunity maps. In this article, I cover Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. The Philippine map is based on the Philippines Startup Report. This is a first stab at these maps and the maturity levels are based on input from various experts in each market. Eventually, they will find its way on the World Startup Wiki. The company named in each box represents the market leader or an emerging startup in the space.

Read more: Here’s an opportunity map by country for startups in Southeast Asia
A few weeks ago I put together a high-level Internet opportunity map for Southeast Asia. Based on feedback, readers wanted country-level opportunity maps. In this article, I cover Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. The Philippine map is based on the Philippines Startup Report. This is a first stab at these maps and the maturity levels are based on input from various experts in each market. Eventually, they will find its way on the World Startup Wiki. The company named in each box represents the market leader or an emerging startup in the space.

Read more: Here’s an opportunity map by country for startups in Southeast Asia
A few weeks ago I put together a high-level Internet opportunity map for Southeast Asia. Based on feedback, readers wanted country-level opportunity maps. In this article, I cover Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. The Philippine map is based on the Philippines Startup Report. This is a first stab at these maps and the maturity levels are based on input from various experts in each market. Eventually, they will find its way on the World Startup Wiki. The company named in each box represents the market leader or an emerging startup in the space.

Read more: Here’s an opportunity map by country for startups in Southeast Asia
A few weeks ago I put together a high-level Internet opportunity map for Southeast Asia. Based on feedback, readers wanted country-level opportunity maps. In this article, I cover Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. The Philippine map is based on the Philippines Startup Report. This is a first stab at these maps and the maturity levels are based on input from various experts in each market. Eventually, they will find its way on the World Startup Wiki. The company named in each box represents the market leader or an emerging startup in the space.

Read more: Here’s an opportunity map by country for startups in Southeast Asia
A few weeks ago I put together a high-level Internet opportunity map for Southeast Asia. Based on feedback, readers wanted country-level opportunity maps. In this article, I cover Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. The Philippine map is based on the Philippines Startup Report. This is a first stab at these maps and the maturity levels are based on input from various experts in each market. Eventually, they will find its way on the World Startup Wiki. The company named in each box represents the market leader or an emerging startup in the space.

Read more: Here’s an opportunity map by country for startups in Southeast Asia
A few weeks ago I put together a high-level Internet opportunity map for Southeast Asia. Based on feedback, readers wanted country-level opportunity maps. In this article, I cover Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. The Philippine map is based on the Philippines Startup Report. This is a first stab at these maps and the maturity levels are based on input from various experts in each market. Eventually, they will find its way on the World Startup Wiki. The company named in each box represents the market leader or an emerging startup in the space. startup opportunity map southeast asia A few interesting takeaways from the map: 70 percent of categories have global players, another 70 percent contain local firms, and 40 percent have regional companies. Is there an opportunity for aggregation or region-focused plays? Only news, gaming, online retail, rentals, travel, and transportation have all three types: local, regional and global players. Are these the hottest opportunities in Southeast Asia? Communication, search, blogging, music, social discovery, events, and business networking only have global or international players. Are these the toughest nuts to crack, requiring real disruption or a vertical focus? Community, local discovery, ticketing, and auto have only local players. Is there an opportunity to aggregate these into a regional level platform? There are no categories with only regional players (See: Tech in Asia’s stories on the World Startup Report) The views in this article are mine combined with views of various individuals and do not reflect our employers’ opinions. Thanks to the following for their contribution and help reaching out to their network: Ron Hose, Andy Zain, William Wijaya, Tyovan Ari, Calvin Kizana, Khaileen Ng, Karamjit Singh, Ngeow Wu Han, Matt Walters, Tee Suraphongchai, Tran Vinh Quang, Bowei Gai, and Terence Lee.

Read more: Here’s an opportunity map by country for startups in Southeast Asia

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